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- 6dof, simulation and finite elements web portal.
- ADS, the NASA Astrophysics data system.
- Advanced computational mechanics world.
- Aladdin, a computational toolkit for matrix and finite element analysis.
- ARPACK, a collection of Fortran77 subroutines for large-scale eigenvalue problems.
- ASCA, simulation of semiconductor optoelectronic devices.
- Aztec, a parallel iterative package for solving sparse linear systems.
- BENET, boundary element resources network.
- Books on the finite element method.
- Boundary element method.
- C++ archive.
- CADalog, AutoCAD shareware clearinghouse.
- CADNA, tools to estimate round-off error propagation in scientific codes.
- CALFEM, an interactive MATLAB toolbox for teaching the finite element method.
- CFD Online (resources, jobs database).
- Clawpack, software package for conservation laws.
- Collection of Computer Science bibliographies.
- Computational science education project.
- Computing research repository.
- CPC program library.
- deal.II, a C++ program library targeted at adaptive finite elements and error estimation.
- DAKOTA, a parallel framework for design optimization, parameter estimation, and sensitivity analysis.
- Desktop Engineering magazine.
- Diffpack, object-oriented framework for solution of partial differential equations.
- Directory of Computing Science journals.
- Domain decomposition methods.
- EasyMesh, two-dimensional quality mesh generator.
- EIGIFP, A matlab program to compute a few extreme eigenvalues of large symmetric matrices.
- Eng-Tips Forums: finite element analysis.
- Ernst Hairer Fortran Codes.
- FAQs in computational mechanics.
- FCAT, FORTRAN coverage analysis tool.
- FEATFLOW, incompressible flow solver and virtual album of fluid motion.
- FEM Eyewitness.
- FEM/FEA related links.
- FEMCI, finite element modeling continuous improvement.
- FEMur, the finite element method universal resource.
- FFTW, discrete fourier transform in one or more dimensions.
- Finite element books.
- Finite element method.
- The finite element method site: Java based FEM software.
- Finite element mesh generation.
- Finite element people.
- Finite element resources.
- Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 Programmer.
- Fortran Library, a comprehensive guide to online Fortran resources.
- Freely available software for linear algebra on the web.
- GALAHAD library of Fortran 90 packages for solving nonlinear optimization problems.
- GAMS, guide to available math software.
- GeoFEM, multi-purpose/multi-physics parallel finite element simulator/platform for solid earth.
- GETFEM++, C++ library for finite element methods.
- Global optimization, a comprehensive archive of online information on global optimization.
- GMRES implementations for real and complex arithmetic.
- GRUMMP, generation and refinement of unstructured mixed-element meshes in parallel.
- GSL, a modern numerical library of mathematical routines.
- HiVision, a visualization platform for data supplied by numerical simulation..
- HPCwire, the electronic news magazine for high-performance computing.
- iCivilEngineer, the Civil Engineering portal – Structural Engineering – Structural Mechanics.
- IFISS, incompressible flow & iterative solver software.
- Interactive FEM with adaptive mesh refinement.
- An introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method without the agonizing pain.
- The Java virtual wind tunnel.
- KNITRO, a solver for non-linear optimization problems.
- LAPACK, Fortran77 routines for solving systems of equations, eigenvalue and singular value problems.
LAPACK95, Fortran95 interface to LAPACK.
- MATH Database.
- MATRAN, a Fortran 95 wrapper that implements matrix operations using Lapack and the Blas.
- Math Reviews author lookup.
- Mathematical and Statistical software.
- Mathematics metasearch machine.
- Mathematical Optimization, an electronic book.
- MathSciNet, mathematical reviews on the web (by subscription only).
-, a technical computing portal for science and engineering.
- Matrix calculator.
- Matrix market.
- Matrix reference manual.
- Matrix computation toolbox.
- MatView, scalable sparse matrix viewer.
- Mechanical analysis home page.
- MechEng software archive.
- Meshing Research Corner, current literature on unstructured mesh generation.
- METIS, graph/mesh partitioning and sparse matrix ordering software.
- MGGHAT, a program for the finite element solution of 2D elliptic PDE’s.
- MGNet, repository for multigrid and domain decomposition methods.
- MINOPT, a comprehensive and flexible package for the solution of optimization problems.
- MODULEF, finite element library.
- MOSEK, a software package for solving linear and convex optimization problems.
- MUMPS, massively parallel solution of linear systems.
- Multigrid algorithm library.
- NCSTRL, networked computer science technical reports library (Rehovot mirror).
- NEOS Server, network-enabled optimization system.
- New scientific computing books.
- Netlib, collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.
- NetSolve, remote solution of large computational problems.
- Numerical analysis software.
- Numerical methods.
- Numerical recipes, series of books with software.
- OASIS, On-line article status information system for Elsevier Science.
- Object-oriented scientific computing.
- Object-oriented structuring of finite elements.
- ODE home page.
- OFELI, Object oriented library of C++ classes for development of finite element codes.
- OpenFEM, open-source finite element toolbox for use within a matrix computing environment (MATLAB and Scilab).
- Optimization, frequently asked questions.
- Optimization online, eprints about optimization and related topics.
- Optimization software guide.
- PETSc, portable extensible toolkit for scientific computation.
- PHAML, a parallel program for the finite element solution of 2D elliptic PDE’s.
- OptSolve++, nonlinear root-finding and optimization of user-specified functions.
- PLAPACK, infrastructure for building parallel dense linear algebra libraries.
- Preconditioned eigensolvers.
- Preprints on conservation laws.
- Prometheus-1.0, parallel multigrid solver for unstructured finite element problems.
- Quadrature over tetrahedra.
- QMG, mesh generation and related software.
- QScimpl, scientific modeling and plotting library.
- ScienceDirect, access to the full text of Elsevier journals (by subscription only).
- Scientific computing section in Dr. Dobb’s Journal.
- Scientific Computing World.
- Scientific English as a foreign language.
- Scientific Supercomputing, internet book.
- Scilab, a free scientific software package.
- SciMark, an interactive Java numerical benchmark.
- Scirus, a search engine for Elsevier Science.
- SLDRIVER, interactive Sturm-Liouville package.
- SLEIGN2, compute eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Sturm-Liouville problems.
- SLEPc, a library for the solution of large scale sparse eigenvalue problems on parallel computers.
- Solid and structural mechanics books.
- SOSTOOLS, a MATLAB toolbox for formulating and solving sums of squares optimization programs.
- TAUCS, a library of sparse linear solvers.
- Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods, 2nd Ed.
- Tutorials and lecture notes.
- Triangle mesh generator.
- TOMLAB, fast, robust and efficient applied optimization.
- UG, solution of partial diff. equations on unstructured meshes using multigrid methods.
- UMFPACK, a package for solving unsymmetric sparse linear systems.
- The UNIX Reference Desk.
- VECFEM, solution of non-linear boundary value problems by the finite element method.
- Wavelet digest.
- WSMP, a high-performance direct solver for sparse linear systems on IBM platforms.